Where to Publish Academic Research on Online Extremism and Terrorism?: What We Can Learn from Journal Article Entries in VOX-Pol’s Online Library
May 7, 2020
By Louise Laing and Maura Conway One of the questions we get asked quite often at VOX-Pol—by not just PhD students and early career researchers, but established scholars too and, in fact, that we quite often ask ourselves! — is ‘what are appropriate academic journals for publication of research on online extremism and terrorism?’ A generic ...
Is ISIS Dead or Alive?
March 4, 2020
By Moign Khawaja It has been almost two years since the Islamic State, also known as IS or ISIS, lost its final stronghold in eastern Syria and four months since its leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi was killed in a US military raid. Have these two game-changing events led to the demise of the group ...
We Need a ‘Visual Turn’ in Violent Online Extremism Research
November 27, 2019
By Prof. Maura Conway My 2016 paper ‘Determining the Role of the Internet in Violent Extremism and Terrorism,’ put forward six suggestions for progressing research in our field. These suggestions, briefly, related to (1) widening the range of types of violent online extremism being studied beyond violent jihadis; (2) engaging in more comparative research, not ...
Resilienz-Aufbau für Terrorismusforscher
September 26, 2019
Read in English Read in French Read in Spanish Von Peter King Als der sogenannte islamische Staat im Sommer 2014 den Medienbetrieb verstärkte, um für seinen territorialen Fortschritt im Irak und Syrien zu werben, mussten Terrorismusforscher, die ein Jahrzehnt oder länger in dieser Branche waren, einen Schritt zurücktreten und überdenken, welche Auswirkungen die Propaganda auf ...
Le Renforcement de la Résilience Chez les Chercheurs dans le Domaine du Terrorisme
September 26, 2019
Read in English Read in German Read in Spanish Peter King Lorsque le soi-disant État islamique a intensifié ses activités médiatiques à l’été 2014 pour promouvoir ses avancées territoriales en Irak et en Syrie, les chercheurs sur le terrorisme qui travaillaient dans ce domaine depuis une décennie ou plus ont dû prendre du recul et ...
Construir Resiliencia para Investigadores del Terrorismo
September 26, 2019
Read in English Read in French Read in German Por Peter King Cuando el denominado Estado Islámico intensificó su campaña mediática en verano de 2014 para promocionar sus avances territoriales en Irak y Siria, investigadores del terrorismo dedicados a esta actividad durante una década o más se vieron obligados a dar un paso atrás y ...
Philippines: The Black Flag Flies on Facebook
February 27, 2019
By Nathan Shea The first news that militants had taken to the streets of the Islamic City of Marawi on May 23, 2017, came from Facebook. Pictures of masked men carrying assault rifles and waving the black flag of the Islamic State were swirling across social media well before Philippine and international news channels picked ...
Is ISIS Still Alive and Well on the Internet?
February 13, 2019
By Anne Speckhard and Ardian Shajkovci With the collapse of the so-called “Islamic State” in Iraq, and much of Syria, an immediate corresponding and steady decline occurred in ISIS’ strategic communication and online propaganda activities. However, the group’s “virtual Caliphate” is rebounding and still remains very much alive today – it continues to create new content, ...
Procès Ansar al-Haqq : le djihad médiatique compte-t-il pour 50% du combat ?
January 16, 2019
Par Laurence Bindner Le procès des administrateurs du forum Ansar al-Haqq s’est déroulé au Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris les 4, 5 et 6 Juillet 2018. Le quatre prévenus (David Ramassamy, Nordine Zaggi, Farouk ben Abbes et Léonard Lopez – ce dernier actuellement détenu par les forces kurdes dans un camp de Syrie), ont ...
Cryptocurrencies: Potential for Terror Financing?
October 24, 2018
By Ahmad Helmi Bin Mohamad Hasbi and Remy Mahzam Synopsis Given their transaction anonymity and user-friendliness, cryptocurrencies appeal to extremist groups as they offer a viable alternative to the mainstream financial system and fiat money which are perceived as ‘kafir’ (infidel) currencies. The threat of cyber-driven terrorist financing is expected to grow. Commentary Bitcoins and ...